
Chinese Custom Tailor

Fashion and Tailor
Phone number 62787446
Business email
Payment method Cash, Credit card, Payme, FPS or Account Transfer
Spoken language English, Cantonese, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi
Opening hours

Monday to Saturday: 10:00AM - 8:00PM

About the business

Chinese Custom Tailor is a longstanding, family-operated business that has served the community for over 60 years, and is located in Mirador Mansions, Natahn Road. As a Pakistani-owned tailor shop, it offers a unique cultural flair and expertise in creating custom attire. Whether you're a Ph.D. student, business professional, or tourist, Chinese Custom Tailor caters to a diverse clientele, providing high-quality garments at competitive prices by leveraging their own fabric supply.

What's unique?

As a longstanding, family-operated business, Chinese Custom Tailor offers a unique cultural flair and expertise in creating custom attire. The shop ensures that its prices are competitive by using its own fabric for its products, providing high-quality garments at affordable prices. With a physical presence and an online platform, Chinese Custom Tailor is a one-stop-shop for personalized, culturally-infused fashion, catering to a wide range of clientele.

Chinese Custom Tailor

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