GuideFong Social Media Posting Guidelines
for Partners

Thank you for collaborating with Foundation for Shared Impact (FSI)’s GuideFong project.
In order to ensure greater visibility for the collaboration by expanding the reach of pertinent social media content publishing, we encourage our partners and collaborators to tag FSI and GuideFong in their social media posts as well as to publish in collaboration with GuideFong on Instagram. Feel free to reach out to Riaz Adnan to discuss further – please see contact details below.

If your partnership is not limited to the GuideFong project but more generally with FSI and FSI’s Community Business Support program, please refer to FSI Social Media Posting Guidelines for Partners in addition to this guideline. 
Below is a quick guide on how we can effectively communicate the impact we create together.

GuideFong Social Media Handles

Instagram or @guidefong_hk

FSI Social Media Handles

Facebook or @Foundation for Shared Impact – FSI
Instagram or @forsharedimpact


Wherever possible, please add the hashtags below: 
#GuideFong #SharedImpact #HongKongEntrepreneurs, #SupportLocal, #HKSMEs, #DEI, #ShoplocalHK #SupportSmallBusinesses #CommunityBusiness

Content Dos and Don’ts

✔️ Dos
  • In the caption, do include the “five Ws”:

    • Who was the event/workshop/programme organiser(s)? Who are the participants? Who is posting the post, what kind of relationship do they have with the organiser?

    • What was the event/workshop/programme about? What happened there?

    • When was the event/workshop/programme?

    • Where did the event/workshop/programme take place?

    • Why was the event/workshop/programme held? Why are you publishing this post?

  • Check the facts included in the caption before publishing.

  • Tag GuideFong, FSI and relevant team members as well as other partners in the post and stories, if applicable.

  • Make sure all materials used for the post(s) are copyrighted to the right person(s) or are copyright-free.

  • Feel free to address Foundation for Shared Impact (FSI) as “FSI” after the name is spelt in full and tagged in the first instance of mentioning FSI. For GuideFong, please use the full name “GuideFong” - with capital G and F.

❌ Don’ts
  • Express religious and/or political opinions in the posts or stories. When posting about religious days, make sure the captions and graphics are generated in a way that is conducive to understanding and intercultural exchange.

  • Use divisive language when talking about matters related to gender, race, culture etc.

  • Include the names and/or visuals of people who have not consented to having their names mentioned and faces shown.

  • Publish posts with spelling and/or grammatical errors.

  • Publish derogatory posts that will generate negative sentiments

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